Card and Other Tricks

Magic Numbers

This trick will only work with a person with six letters in his or her name. For example if the name is "Isabel" work out a pre-determined word or phrase with each letter representing a number.

To illustrate, use the phrase "Slim Beauty". As far as the subject of the trick is concerned, you will appear to be selecting a word or phrase at random. Explain that the letters will represent numbers thus - S = 0, L = 1, I = 2, M = 3, B = 4, E = 5, A = 6, U = 7, T = 8 and Y = 9.

It is important to remember that in your code the number 2 should always coincide with the first letter of the person's name.

When you have worked out (in advance) a code to include all the letters of the person's name, convert the letters into numbers and add 2 to your answer and remove the first number.

In the above example the name "Isabel" translates to 206451, so by adding 2 and knocking off the first number, which is also a 2, you are left with 06453. This is your key number and must be committed to memory. Forearmed with the above, write down the above phrase with the code digits, ask your subject to write down underneath your number, a random number with 5 digits. This is the commencement of an addition sum.

Whatever the subject's number you will write a further number underneath that contains five digits so that his or her number plus yours, ignoring the key number, adds up to 99999. Ask the subject to write a further five figured number under yours and repeat the process so that his or her five figured number plus yours adds up to 99999.

You now have the makings of an addition sum, so ask the subject to add up the 5 numbers written down, which, if the arithmetic is correct, should add up to 206451.

Substitute each number for a letter from your original code and the answer spells "Isabel".


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